Welcome to Jessa Walters Evolutionary Astrology

Evolutionary Astrology is an empowering, soul-centered lens through which healing and liberating perspective can be found.

Astrological readings serve as practical and inspiring guidance to unconditionally support you in more deeply understanding and living into your soul’s desires and path, as an individual and as part of the collective.

The ultimate aim of evolutionary astrology is increased self-awareness, energy and insight, a heightened sense of agency and possibility.

Jessa’s Approach to Astrology

For an exact astrological birth chart to be drawn up, your birth date, time and location are needed. However, having access to our birth information is not always possible.

Please feel free to reach out and let me know if certain parts of your birth info are unknown, and we can explore options still available for gleaning astrological insight and support.

All sessions are via Zoom or phone.

Book Your Astrology Reading

Payment plans are available for no additional fee. ​

If you have any questions before booking a reading, please contact me.

Stone Path in the San Francisco Japanese Garden

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