Astrology Classes & Events

“What a powerful Moon Medicine gathering last night! I was flying high afterwards. I can’t wait to join you again! Thank you, Jessa. You hold such magical and empowering space.”Anne Rapp



At Yess Yoga in Minneapolis, MN

Saturday, May 18, 2024

7–9pm CDT

The Moon will be in the sign of Libra, which has affinity with the planet Venus. Themes of relationship, love in action, shared power, interdependence, reciprocity, justice, peace, appreciation of beauty and the ability to hold paradox...all Libran territory.

I will give a short talk on Libra Moon energies, weaving in Libra’s counterpart: Aries. We will explore the dynamics of reciprocity (the balance of giving and taking) through a Family & Systemic Constellations lens. There will be time for small and large group sharing around this topic.

We’ll also explore the embodiment of Libran energies through organic engagement with music.

You have complete choice in how you engage with any and all of the possibilities offered during our evening together. Please wear clothing that feels comfortable to you, in which you can move freely. And, if you have any rattles, shakers, drums – any sound/music makers, please bring one (or more to share).

You are welcome to bring an item(s) for the altar that reflects the Libran domain.

This event is open to all womxn and genderqueer folks.

Cancellation Policy: There is a 24 hour cancellation policy. You may cancel and receive a refund, less the processing fee, until 7pm the evening before the event. After that, no refunds or credits will be issued.

“I found the Moon Medicine gathering to be one of those monumental moments in life. Thank you for your gentle, fiery, thoughtful way in our world!"


“Your offerings are exquisite, rich and wise. Thank you for sharing what you are braiding together."

–Paula Coyne

"Thank you so very much, Jessa, for the gift of the Aries Moon Medicine last night. You are an amazing channel for the YES energy! I so needed that, and can’t wait for January!"

–Kristi Fackel



I invite you to join me on Monday, April 29th from 4:30pm–6pm PDT via Zoom for an embodied weaving together of Evolutionary Astrology and Family Constellations in honor of Venus’ ingress into Taurus.

April 29th is the day that Venus, the planet of relationship, resources and values enters into the earthy, sensual, material-stability-seeking, peace-loving sign of Taurus (April 29-May 23). Venus is the ruling planet of Taurus, so there is great affinity between Venus' natural drives and Taurus' natural motivations.

My Evolutionary Astrology teacher, Steven Forrest, said something once that has never left me: the prayer of Venus is the exhale.

Ahhhh. When our animal body, heart and soul can relax, soften and open up to the moment because we feel enough safety, stability (relational, financial, etc) and peace, the Venus/Taurus parts of ourselves can flourish.

I invite you to gather with me to explore this Venusian/Taurean territory.

Our time together will include:

–Guided Body Scan - Invoking the prayer of Venus, we create space for the're invited to get comfy and cozy, with your body as supported as possible. From here, we open to the possibility of relaxation and release of tension.

–A short talk on Venus/Taurus through an evolutionary astrological lens

–“Ancestral Affinity Tree” (Family Constellations Exercise) in breakout rooms (in dyads or triads). Please plan to have your video on for the small groups. You're welcome to have your video on or off during the other parts of our time together.

–”Me, My Lineage and Money” (Family Constellations Guided Meditation) - an opportunity to explore and perhaps receive insight and movement around your relationship with money (or a different resource you wish to explore).

This event is open to all. 

No astrology or constellations experience is necessary.

You do not have to attend this event live to register. A recording will be provided after the event. Please note: The 10-15 minute breakout room portion will not be recorded.

Cancellation/Refund Policy: There are no refunds for this event.

Virgo Moon Medicine Yess Yoga with Jessa Walters


In-Person At Yess Yoga in Minneapolis, MN

Saturday, January 27, 2024

7–9pm CST

Please join me for an embodied astrological journey under a grounding, organizing Moon of Humility and Healing Connection: VIRGO.

I will give a short talk on earth element Virgo Moon energies and supports, weaving in Virgo’s counterpart: beyond-the-veil, multi-dimensional Pisces. We’ll then explore these potentialities through organic engagement with music, an ancestral lineage meditation followed by hands-on (or energetic) grounding into a felt-sense of ancestral support (individually or in dyads).

You are welcome to bring an item(s) for the altar that reflects ancestral support/presence and/or anything you find grounding and supportive in body, mind and spirit.

You have complete choice in how you engage with any and all of the possibilities offered during our evening together. Please wear clothing that feels comfortable to you, in which you can move and rest freely. And, if you have any rattles, shakers, drums – any sound/music makers, please bring one (or more to share).

This event is open to all womxn and genderqueer folks.

Aries Moon Medicine with Jessa Walters at Yess Yoga


Please join me at Yess Yoga in Minneapolis on Saturday evening, September 30, 2023 from 7–9pm CST, for an embodied astrological adventure under a sparky, bold, initiating Aries Moon, coupled with the stabilizing, sustaining energy of the Moon in Taurus.

Yes, two Moons in one night! The Moon will shift signs during our time together.

We’ll begin and spend more than half of the evening with the Moon in the courage-building, desire-mapping, get-the-ball-rolling fire of Aries, and at 8:18pm CT to be exact, the Moon will move into grounding, soothing Taurus earth.

I will give a short talk on Aries/Taurus motivations and potentials from an evolutionary astrological perspective. Then, we will explore these yang/yin energies through organic engagement with music, a heart’s-desire-declaration ritual followed by time in dyads with hands-on grounding and relaxation (ex: foot massage).

You have complete choice in how you engage with any and all of the possibilities offered during our evening together.

Please wear clothing that feels comfortable to you, in which you can move and rest freely. And, if you have any rattles, shakers, drums – any sound/music makers, please bring one (or more to share).

This event is open to all womxn and genderqueer folks!

Sagittarius Moon Medicine with Jessa Walters Yess Yoga Minneapolis


Come gather in circle for astrological learning, dancing and sharing at Yess Yoga Studio in Minneapolis under the fiery, warm, celebratory FULL MOON IN SAGITTARIUS on Saturday evening, June 3, 2023 from 7-9pm CST.

We gather at the height of moonlight to explore Sagittarius’ vast sense of possibility, hope and resilience in our bodies, minds and hearts through organic movement to music, creative expression (artwork) and sharing.

We will synergize and spark each other by sharing what inspires and opens our hearts/minds into living in hope-filled, visionary, ever-expanding ways. 

Please wear comfortable clothing in which you can move freely, and if you’d like, feel free to wear your brightest colors (totally optional)! And, if you have any rattles, shakers, drums – any sound/music makers, please bring one (or more to share).

This event is open to all womxn and genderqueer folks!

In participants’ words from past astrological workshops and planetary series…